Meet the Business App
Log on with the same credentials you use for the Airthings for Business Dashboard.
You can not log into the Business app if you have a viewer role or if you don't have a business account.
There are 3 tabs to navigate the app.
If you have access to multiple organizations, you can switch between them on this tab:
You can search for an organization in the search field
Select the organization you want to access
Buildings Tab
Add a building: click on the "+" to add a new building
Filter devices: By default, all devices are shown, but you can filter to show devices:
with connectivity issues
with low battery
without issues
Building name: Tap on the building name to navigate to the Building Screen
Building Screen
Add a Space: click on the "+" to add a new device. Remove the backplate of the device and scan the QR code next to the serial number to add the device.
Filter devices: By default, all devices are shown, but you can filter to show devices:
with connectivity issues
with low battery
without issues
Space Name: Tap on it, and you will see the information that is shown underneath
Air Quality: See the latest sensor values for this device
Settings: Delete the space, change the name, or move it to another building.
Settings Tab
Navigate to a different organization: If you are a member of multiple organizations, use this to switch between them.
Manage the users of the current organization: Invite new users, change the role of a user, or delete a user.
Troubleshooting: This sections provides direct links to Help Center articles in order to troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing on site.
Contact Support: Allows you to search the complete Help Center as well as contact the Airthings for Business support chat.
App version number: The app version installed is listed below the Log Out button. This may be necessary for any support issues involving the app.