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Virtual Sensor: Mold Risk Indicator
Virtual Sensor: Mold Risk Indicator
Updated over 4 months ago


Our monitors can track temperature and humidity—two key factors in mold growth. Both the Space Plus and Space Nano devices feature a virtual sensor that monitors mold risk within a space.

Activating Mold risk indicator

The Mold Risk indicator is inactive by default and needs to be manually enabled for each device you wish to monitor.

To activate it:

  1. Go to the desired building and open the Settings tab.

  2. Scroll to the Mold Risk Indicator dropdown menu.

  3. Select the sensors you want to enable.

  4. Click Save to apply the changes.

Seeing the Mold Risk in the Dashboard

This sensor appears at the end of the sensor row in each Space, alongside other virtual sensors. To access it, scroll to the right using the arrow. Data is available for each Space Plus and Space Nano device if the Mold Risk Indicator has been activated.

The Mold Risk graph will provide a risk rating from 1 to 10 on how likely that space is to form mold.

It's important to note that the Mold Risk indicator is NOT a mold detection sensor. It is simply to identify the likelihood that mold would grow in the given conditions.

Sensor Algorithm

The mold risk sensor uses an algorithm based on the temperature and humidity sensor to measure how fast mold can grow under the current conditions. Since the material where mold is growing is an important condition to the speed of mold growth, we have assumed the more vulnerable materials in our equation: wood and textiles. Therefore, if your device is showing yellow in an all-tile restroom, there is less chance of mold growth.

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